Friday, May 20, 2011

discovering grace in God's boundaries

A portion of my church's discipleship training has become invaluable to my understanding of Godly leadership. Richard Greene, a small man like myself, has taught this principle to thousands of African nationals as a lesson in following the Spirit's lead:

An important aspect of walking in the Spirit is to discover and accept the limitations God has placed on us. God's boundaries are those things about us that He designed and we cannot change. They protect us and define us. Most insecurities and poor self-esteem issues come from a rejection of one or more of these boundaries:

*Time in history
*Spiritual gift mix
*Birth order
*Mental abilities
*Physical features
*Life span
How much precious time do we waste arguing with God over our limitations or trying to compensate for our shortcomings? When I look at this list, I can identify at least half of these that have left me feeling unqualified.

If only I had the right pedigree, if only I was married, if only I hadn't been burdened with a prophetic heart, if only I was smarter, if only I could write better, if only I could make people laugh, if only I was attractive, if only I was less intense, if only I was artistic, if only I was charismatic...

God hears my whining, as sure as with Moses, and He wonders how I've missed the point. As His name is made known through shaking stutter and humble physique, He leaves no doubt that I am the vessel and He is God. I may never be polished, published, or man-pretty, but each boundary is one less pride to overcome. He knows the evil that gratifies my flesh, and maintains the integrity of the vessel through everything I lack.

When we begin to compare ourselves with others, God's grace is perceived as a limitation. Most of us will never be the best-selling author or the mega-church pastor, but we look to these men and women to presume who we should be. The rejection of His boundaries becomes a thorn that chokes our ministry -- immobilized as we invest our efforts into modeling mankind. God, however, could just as well use a rock or an ass; He includes us in the demonstration so that we might share in the joy of His redemption.

Have you rejected any boundaries that God has placed in your life? God doesn't need to give you a pep talk; He has created you with everything necessary to serve Him today.

The LORD said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go; I will help you speak and teach you what to say."

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