Tuesday, April 3, 2012

lend me an ear and i'll sing you a song (Joe Cocker / Jimmy Page style)

I used to say that four was the perfect age.

Consider this: at what other age are you autonomous enough to meet the necessities, but young enough to lean on "not knowing any better" as a valid excuse. Your classroom is life and cannot be contained in a cinder block building. The four-year-old's chief responsibility is going outside to play.

That's how I remember four. But during that year...
  • Nintendo makes its debut in Japan.
  • The best personal computer produces 16 colors... for those with the money to afford it.
  • Diet Coke had recently been released, adding fire to the ongoing cola wars.
  • Nuclear activity from the USSR is a real threat.
  • Thriller tops the charts, making Michael Jackson the most beloved celebrity in the music industry. The moonwalk is performed for the first time.
  • The McNugget is introduced. McDonald's targets children with an aggressive advertising campaign.
  • Darth Vader is unmasked, producing a house full of "Oooooohs" at the downtown movie theater. (Hayden Christensen had just turned two a month before.)
It's human nature to glorify culture and time in our heads. It must be akin to my Lake County kids talking my ear off about being back in Gary. It's never quite how we remember it.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Last week I watched "Midnight in Paris." It wasn't anything like the 3-sentence Redbox summary. Turns out, this chic-flick totally challenged me about living in the glory days. They talk about that mysterious "golden age" when life would have been perfect. Like I think living in a monastery would solve problems, or like sometimes I dream about a woodsy life more akin to Robin Hood or the elves in Tolkein. Like if I ride a horse in the woods with a hooded cape, then I must be problem-free. The cape seems to be the common theme! :) Or college. Always in my glory-days list. It's a good movie, if you're in the mood someday to choose the present instead.