Friday, August 12, 2011

what is protection?

I believe I have deceived my audience. At least twenty references are made in these pages regarding man's responsibility to "protect" women. It is the neglected act from the fall. Had Adam advised Eve to walk away, everything may have changed. I approach protection as the missing link: the characteristic of restored man that will provide a catalyst for the restoration of woman. I only run into one problem in embracing the role of protector:

I haven't the foggiest what I'm talking about in practice.

Don't get me wrong: I know that God has placed the call to protect on my heart. I can affirm that He has given me eyes to see the need for protection at every turn. I also see myself as insecure, clumsy, and clueless. While this seems to be Christ's favorite set of qualifications for His service, a little precedent wouldn't hurt. Can't He provide another man to show me how to do this?

By another man, I mean someone credible. Yes...back to this lie again :-( I want to model my understanding from a married, seasoned, and courageous sort of man that has kissed a girl since the Clinton administration. I'd prefer following someone who has braved his way to the other side of messy romance, and has shown himself to be blameless and worthy as a man after God's heart.

Meanwhile, God wants to perform the impossible through the unlikely. How predictably like Him :-)

Thus, the woman under my protection cannot be one of the usual suspects. She will not resist or fear my intense pursuit, nor will she seize my manhood by way of her own pursuit. She will thoughtfully and prayerfully accept my shield because the Lord has granted me her favor and trust. We will wade through the fog together, discerning what the heck God is doing in our own frightfully awkward fashion.

As two 20-year-old kids in over our heads, a female friend and I braved the NYC streets in search of a late night cheeseburger. As we approached a dark alleyway on the returning stroll, I felt the sharp grasp of a tiny hand upon the underside of my right bicep. Sure, it was merely an involuntary, physical response from my friend's sudden bout with fear. However, something in her clutch felt deeply natural, as if an unknown goodness in my masculinity was being validated. It wasn't by pride that I enjoyed the remainder of that walk. I felt alive in radiating His protection over creation.

If something so common can foster my leadership, how much would God loosen my insecurity by entrusting me with the heart of my beloved? I will surely be overcome by a fierce awareness of the enemy's schemes should she admit to finding security in my words and touch. Like a lion, I would chase every predator that Satan would send for her heart.

At the beginning and end of every day -- with hands held in front of us -- we will thank our Maker for one more day of His grace upon one another, and I will ask for one more filling of His strength. We will live each day in the joy of His presence and laugh at the days ahead.

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