Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I was driving to work with a heavy heart Sunday morning, when I received a sudden prompt to turn off the radio. I immediately realized how difficult it was to drive in silence and confront the concerns on my heart; I was also convicted by the seeming obstacles between my current state and an effective prayer life.

It was not intentional to begin a fast the first week of Lent, but it worked out that way. Each day, I've become painfully aware of my conditioned impulse to press the radio button upon entry. It's disgusted me to a degree -- how can I say that I prefer the holy to the common things, if my flesh is so easily nurtured by a thoughtless response?

This isn't a post about the evils of music or even the evils of the secular entertainment industry. That argument would be missing the point -- this is about the fight for my heart. To what have I prostituted my ownership, and what has it done for me?

The accepted conviction ends where the pursuit begins: what Glory would be revealed if entering His throne room became as natural as pressing that button?

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