Friday, January 14, 2011

hopelessly wired for monogamy

I want to empathize; I can only sympathize. I understand the conditions that lead individuals to break the commitments to their covenant, but I can't comprehend commiting to one so diametrically opposed that these conditions arise. It seems that this could only occur where man or woman considers him/herself less than what he/she is. And these are the most tragic relationships of all.

As much as I try, it is difficult for me to imagine a scenario where I would retract my heart. The couple times it has been returned to me have been difficult enough. As seriously as I take the marriage bed, adultery would likely crush me enough to end my marriage; even then, I think I would find it impossible to give my heart to another.

I know that I'm being idealistic in regards to commitment, but do I have a good reason not to be? If marriage is God's institution, who am I to believe that He cannot strengthen two believers to work through the less savory moments? Granted, this question presumes two hearts seeking after Him, but this seems to be the only stipulation that would divide; this should tune our hearts such that every other disagreement is subject to reconciliation. In regards to His covenant, would we expect Him to speak to husband and wife differently, if both seek with sincerity?

Perhaps, where every other assumed standard for the "perfect" wife has been torn apart, I should welcome this sincerity. The simplest and most idealistic guideline I can conjure for marriage is this: a husband and wife that pray with one another is foolproof! Perfect? Never -- certainly not in this flesh. But they are perfectly unified. So with all due respect to the cynics and the statistics, there is an anointed scenario where "forever" is a given, and not an uncertainty.


Melissa said...

" So with all due respect to the cynics and the statistics, there is an anointed scenario where "forever" is a given, and not an uncertainty."

completely, 100%, whole heartedly agree.

Anonymous said...

much wisdom.